About FEBS Advanced Courses
Aims of FEBS Advanced Courses
With the general aim of advancement of research and education for the public benefit in the molecular life sciences, FEBS funds a range of scientific and educational events on advanced topics in these fields at locations across Europe and neighbouring regions.
The lecture courses, workshops, practical courses and special meetings in the FEBS Advanced Courses programme aim to provide the latest research updates, as well as a strong educational element that makes them especially valuable to PhD students and postdocs. Such early-career scientists can apply to Course Organizers for financial support for attendance through FEBS Youth Travel Fund (YTF) grants.
Funding and event organization
Events in the FEBS Advanced Courses programme have been reviewed at the proposal stage by the FEBS Advanced Courses Committee, and approved for meeting the scientific, educational and organizational aims of the FEBS Advanced Courses programme; they are then awarded FEBS grants for course organization and for supporting the participation of early-career researchers. FEBS assists event organization by providing a website platform for Course Organizers to use to present and manage the event, and by informing the FEBS community about the event*. The FEBS Advanced Courses Committee also monitors events in the programme by various means such as reports, feedback surveys and visits to events in progress.
The development and delivery of the scientific programme of a FEBS Advanced Course, and other management and organization of the event including financial matters, are carried out by senior scientists acting as the Course Organizers and others they appoint. 'Course Organizers' are the scientists named as the organizers responsible for the event on the course proposal submitted to FEBS and who have been awarded FEBS funding for the event. When you register for the event, you are entering an arrangement with the Course Organizers. As well as receiving FEBS grants for the event, Course Organizers may also secure additional funding from other grant-awarding bodies and sponsors.
The official language at FEBS Advanced Courses is English.
*For the 5th International Conference on the Long and the Short of Non-Coding RNAs, the registration/abstract system is run by the event- organizing company Aegean Conferences.
About FEBS
Founded on 1st January 1964, The Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) encompasses thousands of members across more than 35 biochemistry and molecular biology societies (its 'Constituent Societies') in different countries of Europe and neighbouring regions. As a grass-roots organization FEBS thereby provides a voice to a large part of the academic research and teaching community in Europe and beyond.
As a charity, FEBS promotes and supports biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, molecular biophysics and related research areas through its journals, Congress, Advanced Courses, Fellowships and other initiatives. There is an emphasis in many programmes on scientific exchange and cooperation between scientists working in different countries, and on promotion of the training of early-career scientists.
For more information about FEBS, please visit the FEBS website.
For the Advanced Courses section of the FEBS website, click here.